Curriculum for a Changing Climate – New Subjects Launched and Upcoming Webinar!

Yasmine Ghorayeb
May 9, 2023

Did you know that much of the national curriculum in England hasn’t been substantively or systematically reviewed in over eight years? Despite the growing urgency of the climate and ecological crisis, theDfE has consistently refused to amend the curriculum to include the skills and knowledge that students need to learn to mitigate and adapt to such challenges.

Our Curriculum for a Changing Climate project intends to demonstrate to the DfE that curriculum reform is neither too big nor complicated to do. It employs a ‘tracked changes’ methodology to show what a pro-environmental curriculum could look like by suggesting where and how it can be amended (rather than adding entirely new content) to include sustainability and climate education. The updated curriculum reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the climate and ecological crisis, and hence the relevance and necessity for all subject areas to contribute to a sustainable future. Our latest reviewed subjects are Maths, Business, and Economics, which you can find linked on our Curriculum for a Changing Climate: Subjects blog post.

What does embedding sustainability and climate education in Maths, Business, and Economics look like in practice?

In Maths, students could learn to apply problem-solving skills in the context of real-world problems like climate change. Business students could be taught to consider the tensions between the business goals of maximising profits and the goals of meeting human needs within planetary boundaries. In Economics, the potential for alternative economic indicators that measure human and ecological well-being could be discussed, along with the ethical and sustainability implications of economic growth. We will also be introducing a full rewrite of economics to show that a bigger change is needed to truly equip students to understand the causes and solutions to the climate emergency and ecological crisis.

Join our webinar on Thursday, May 25, 2023 from 4:00-5:00PM (BST) to hear more about Teach the Future's Curriculum for a Changing Climate as we launch our new set of subjects.

In this Zoom webinar you will hear from:

  • Students from Teach the Future on the importance of this project
  • Academics leading our 'tracked changes' subject reviews and how they have completed these
  • Teachers who have already been using the revised curriculum, how they have been using it and the impact of this


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