Teach the Future  Northern Ireland

We're campaigning for the Department of Education to implement 5 specific policy asks.
We hope that these asks will achieve our vision of broad climate and environmental education.

You can get in contact with us at ni@teachthefuture.uk.

Get involved

Meet the team

Katie O'Donnell

'I'd rather go down in flames than be complicit and be silent' - Jameela Jamil

Policy documents

See our Curriculum for a Changing Climate

These are our 5 policy asks for Northern Ireland in 2024. We recognise the limitations of having no government, and call for its return.

Report on the estimated costs of achieving Net Zero in Primary and Secondary Schools in the United Kingdom. Prepared by Energise (pro-bono) for Teach the Future. September 2023.

Other documents

Previous documents

News in Northern Ireland


Are You a Voter for Climate?

Are You a Voter for Climate?

Mystaya Brémaud

January 27, 2024

The elections of today have higher stakes than ever before. We need politicians to be taking action if we are to prevent climate catastrophe, and our votes and political engagement are an essential part of how we show politicians what we care about.


The RAAC Crisis is a Sustainability Issue

The RAAC Crisis is a Sustainability Issue

Mystaya Brémaud

January 12, 2024

After collapsing school buildings hit the headlines in September last year, the government's pledges to solve the RAAC crisis are suffering the same fate as their promises to reduce global warming. Yet, retrofitting to remove RAAC could help us also take action to mitigate the climate crisis


Teach the Future Student Staff - National Organiser Reflections

Teach the Future Student Staff - National Organiser Reflections

Charlie Clift, Ellen Taylor & Alyson MacKay

December 4, 2023

We asked our current National Organisers to share their reflections on working for Teach the Future.


£16.3 billion: the cost of net zero in UK schools

£16.3 billion: the cost of net zero in UK schools

UK National Organisers: Alyson MacKay, Charlie Clift, Ellen Taylor

October 6, 2023

Teach the Future and Energise launch new report on the cost on net zero in UK schools


You Have a Right to Climate Education

You Have a Right to Climate Education

Ellen Taylor

October 4, 2023

A few weeks ago, on the 22nd of August, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) published something very important - General Comment 26, on children’s rights and the environment, with a special focus on climate change. As a volunteer-led youth organisation campaigning for climate education, this could not be more perfect!


Meetings with MPs, crowdfunding and a Welsh Parliamentary Reception: Teach the Future September Newsletter

Meetings with MPs, crowdfunding and a Welsh Parliamentary Reception: Teach the Future September Newsletter

Zoe Arnold and Alyson MacKay

September 16, 2023

Thank you so much for your continued support for our Teach the Future campaign. We are making real progress and have some exciting updates we'd like to share with you...

Press Release

How To Teach The Future

How To Teach The Future

Multiple Authors

May 1, 2022

“Without climate education, I don’t see the value in going to school at all,” says Eleanor Andrade May, a quantitative social science student at the University of Sheffield (p 4). This is a disconcerting statement. When students are unable to see the connection between their studies and their future, it suggests a deep flaw in our education system. Fundamentally, we are failing our young people. But young people are taking action. Eleanor is part of Teach the Future, a youth-led campaign that aims to repurpose the UK’s entire education system around the climate emergency, and this action makes for a very positive statement. Teach the Future’s vision is for broad climate education in the UK. Futurum’s vision is to help students connect the subjects they are learning in school to real-world research projects, all of which aim to solve pressing societal needs. Where there is vision, there is action, and this is how to teach the future.